Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Changing from breast to bottle - not to the Pigs liking

After almost four months of feeding her myself, I have to start weaning Pink Pig so she'll be more independent for when I go back to work. This is not going well at all. I want to wean her but she has other ideas.

If you were walking past my home when I'm attempting to feed her you would be forgiven for thinking that I was torturing the child. The mere sight of a bottle and all hell breaks loose. She a Pig who knows her mind. projectile milk, teary eyes, wailing like a banshee; I'm nearly crying as much as her, is it this tough for everyone? The websites make it out to be child's play, unless the child is into small animal torture I can't see how they are making it out to be so easy. 

So far I've tried coaxing, singing, rocking. I've tried holding her close, when she hungry when she's not. I've also tried both Tommie Tippie bottles and a Nuk one with a latex tip. Nothing seems to be making any head way at all.
If anyone out there has any suggestions please let me know, Pink Piggy's Mum needs you! 

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