Friday, October 15, 2010

The Pink Piggy found her feet today

I never appreciated how cool feet were until the Pink Pig spent most of the afternoon finding them and loosing them again. Watching her bringing them up high to her face, delighted at this new finding getting close to her mouth, with all the excitement of these new found feet she'd straighten them out and they'd disappear on her only to appear again a few minutes later and the whole routine would start again.

The Pink Pig is a fantastic little creature, at 16 weeks she's headstrong, noisy, snores, is very wriggly and is always found to be at her sunniest t form in the wee hours of the morning. It's like shes knows when you're at your most vulnerable and just when you're in the brink of throwing both her and yourself out the window she produces the most fantastic gummy smile usually supported by the cutest gurgle and despite everything you find yourself grinning right back at this ethereal little cherub and suddenly all those gray hairs are forgiven.

This blog will be the story of my little pink pig and what I'm going to have to do to get her through her first years alive and prepare here for the big wide world out there.

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